Music Photography: Jamie T
Venue: Manchester Academy 1, Manchester
Photographer: Simon Newbury
Show Date: 07.11.2014
Music Photography: Jamie T | Manchester Academy
The busy few weeks of live music photography continued in Manchester. While Tina was over at Manchester Apollo to photograph Counting Crows preforming in front of a sell out crowd, Simon was across the city at Manchester Academy 1 to photograph Jamie T performing live to another sell out crowd.We have been quite busy of late with lots of show photography and it was a nice situation to both be up in Manchester at different gigs at the same time. We have a lot more live music photography lined up before the end of the year as well as getting very busy in the lead up to Christmas with family, pets and kids photography!
Here are some of Simon’s images of Jamie T performing live at Manchester Academy 1:
Please check out our Live Music Photography portfolio!
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