Music Photography: The Vamps
Support: Union J, The Tide
Venue: Liverpool Echo Arena
Photographer: Tina Newbury
Show Date: 28.04.2015
Music Photography: The Vamps | Liverpool Echo Arena
Tina headed over to Liverpool to the Echo Arena to photograph boyband The Vamps live in concert. The Vamps are a British pop band consisting of Brad Simpson, James McVey, Connor Ball and Tristan Evans. The Vamps played to a large audience with a special ‘Wow Pit’ at the front for the really dedicated fans! Support on the night came from Union J. and The Tide.
Some of Tina’s photos of The Vamps live at Liverpool Echo Arena:
Some photos of Union J live at Liverpool Echo Arena:
Some photos of The Tide live at Liverpool Echo Arena:
Check out our live music photography portfolio!
Licence images of: The Vamps, Union J, The Tide.
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